Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Alis' HS Graduation

There is really something special when one of your children finally graduates from High School. My daughter recently graduated and I'm so proud of her. Sometimes I wondered if she would make it, but she hung in there and did it. I will have to admit though,it did take a certain amount of yelling, hitting, grounding, and generally putting her on "Dark Age" restriction - for those of you who don't know, Dark Age restriction is where you cut off electricity to your kid's room - on my part.

Now that she has finished, the next stage of life is open to her. She has decided to go to a Beauty Academy and learn Costomotolgy. She will be very good at that. She has plenty of experience is doing her own hair. She spends hours and hours sitting in front of a mirror, staring at her own face. At times she seems fascinated by her face, as if it is going to change colors or something. I just hope that she takes advantage of this opportunity and makes the most of it.