Friday, May 05, 2006

BSNCO Course

Well, Class 004-006 Battle Staff NCO Course at Fort McCoy WI is finally over. After three weeks of Map Overlays, Graphics, Combat Service, Combat Service and Support, and a number of other mundane classes we are seprating to the four courners of the U.S. It was quite an experience. I met some really good people and had a pretty good time. Sometimes when I think about it, it seems that the time went by really slow, other times it seemed as if I had been there forever. Out of our class of 16, five made the Commandant's List - top 20% of the class. Out of our sub-group of five, three made the list. I mostly hung out with a couple of Yankee Bastards from the Conninicut National Guard. One, I named BB, for Big Bastard and the other LB for Little Bastard. A great bunch of guys. BB said one thing to me at the begaining. He looked at me and said - or so I thought - "I don't think I have a BD, but it's close to it." That's what I heard, but what he actually said was hernira instead of BD.

The last week was spend conducing a Command Post Excerise (CPX). It only lasted 1 1/2 days instead of the three that it was supposed to. I worked as the MCS Main operator. My job was to monitor chat traffic on the the AKO between the different units and to maintain commo with the BDE. It was a good job. While I did not want to come to this course, I'm glad I did. I learned a lot and meet some great people.

It won't be long and I'll be home. I really missed the family. Can't wait to get home. Well we are now starting to board and I've got to go.

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