Friday, October 27, 2006

Upcoming Race

I can't believe that the race that I've waited all year for is fast approaching. I'm getting rather aprehensive. I'm starting to second guess myself. Did I run enough mileage, did I have enough long runs, or am I mentally prepared for this race? I've also been reading a lot of race reports, trying to get some intelligence as to how the race is conducted or what does the terrain consists of. In reading these reports, I'm shocked to learn that this race is considered one of the tougher 50 milers. It is estimated to be 54 miles and has strick cut-off times at the Aid Stations, with a 12 hour time limit overall. When I did the JFK 50 miler, it took me 10:20. That race had 26 miles of easy trail with 8 miles on asphalt. The MMTR is all on trail with some single trail thrown in for good measure. I guess that I'll just have to man-up and get myself ready mentally. Hopefully that can overcome the physical part of it. We'll see

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