Saturday, July 21, 2007

Running or Lack Of

I haven't been able to run since the end of May. I have a very strange aliment that even puzzles the doctors. I woke up one morning, unable to bend my right foot toward my shin. There are no marks, swelling or pain. It just doesn't work so when I walk or run it just kinda flops down.

I have had electromagnetic testing done to test my nerves and while there was a slight abnormality, there was nothing major wrong. I'm pretty sure it a nerve problem but I know have to go for an MRI and see a Neurologist. Hopefully this thing will go away because in the last few days it seems as if it is getting better. On Tuesday, I actually went running and did 2 miles. I ran in 16:34 but it seemed as if I had run ten miles. I can tell that I'm out of shape and it will take sometime to get back into it. Hopefully it won't be long.

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