Thursday, November 30, 2006


I haven't been able to run since my last post. I had to come to Atlanta for a training conference. I'm staying in a hotel with very limited places to run. Yesterday I did go down to the very small and I do mean very small fitness center. One treadmill was broke and the other was being used, so I did a workout that I've done in the past at other hotels - I ran the stairs. Luckily this hotel has eight stories. I've ran in some that only had four. Anyway I ran up and down the stairs 10 times, skipping every other step. Amazingly this morning my calves are a little sore. I must of had a decent workout because I don't get sore very often. I'm looking forward to getting back home and back to my fitness routine. I'm thinking about running to work tomorrow. This will be the first time I've ran to work since the MMTR 50. I've had enough of recovery and can't take no more.

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