Sunday, November 19, 2006

Golden Moments

I back to running now. I had wanted to do a long run yesterday but for one reason or another I didn't get a chance to get out of the house until 1715. I then had to be back by 1745 because my daughter had to be at work and she can't drive - that's another post that I'll save for later. Anyway, I figured that I would knock out a quick three and call it a day. I ran from the house, through the housing area, and down to the trail where I planned on running from the six mile marker to the seven and back. I ran it pretty hard and decided to turn the run into a tempo run. It was dark by the time I returned and when I looked at my watch I was shocked to see a time of 33 minutes. I knew that I had ran faster then 10 minutes miles. I then quickly recaculated the run in my head and figured out that I had in fact ran four miles, not three. I can definitely live with that.

Today my daugher and I went to Racoon Creek State Park We went hiking on the Lake Trail and had a very good time. The weather was good and we had some good conversations. I really enjoy the one on one time with my daughter. It give me a chance to see where she is coming from and to hear about some of the issues that are important to her. A lot of times when we argue it is because both of us are headstrong and don't want to hear what the other has to say. When we are alone we have serious conversations and actually listen to each other. These are golden moments that I wished we had more of. Now if I could just get my son to talk.

P.S. After going out to the park, I can't wait to go running out there again. I'll definately be there next weekend.

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