Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Good News?

Today we went to Alis' doctor appointment. It was downtown across from Mercy Hospital. I was a little worried because of how fast they gave us the appointment. I was hoping that it was a bad sign that the doctor wanted to see her right away.

We went in to see the doctor. Again, she is very nice and is the one who is treating Gullu's migraine headaches. There were two nurses in the room with us. Again, it looked like a bad sign to me. She sit Alis down and pulled out her MRI results. She asked Alis about her headaches and some other questions. She said that Alis' MRI was very good and she was reasonably sure that she didn't have an aneurysm but that she wanted Alis to have a CAT Scan done just to make sure. She believes that her headaches are migraines. I really hope so. I told Alis now that she's not sick, we can take her clothes back.

Today when I got home I found out that Andrew is sick. He has a sore throat and a fever. He mostly slept the rest of the evening. He didn't even eat. When Andrew doesn't eat, then you can be sure that he isn't feeling well.

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